Priority 1 – Attendance
- Children are enthused and motivated in their learning
- Overall school attendance is in line or above national figures.
- PP attendance improved to match that of Non-PP.
- Persistent absence to be no higher than 14%.
- No children arrive at school after 8:50 am.
Priority 2 – Writing
- Pencil grip and pencil control is standardised and improved
- Handwriting is consistently formed in line with year group expectations.
- Teachers have a secure knowledge of the standard in writing expected for each term.
- The marking of children’s writing is consistent across the school and in line with the policy.
- Editing and redrafting time is planned into every sequence of work.
- Quality of writing is a focus rather than the quantity.
- Improved spelling in every year group.
Priority 3 – Arts and Culture
- Work is begun towards achieving the Artsmark award including collection of evidence.
- Plan and undertake an Arts week in conjunction with other subject leaders.
- Provide extracurricular opportunities in the arts.
- Enthuse pupil’s musical experiences through a wider curriculum.
- Increase the use of drama in the curriculum to enhance children’s learning.
- Work collaboratively with outside providers and local schools to provide a rich range of experiences for the children.
Priority 4 – Reading
- Reading is a priority within the school.
- Children enjoy reading.
- Reading attainment levels are at, or above national.
- All children are reading regularly and with a book that matches ability.
Priority 5 – Disadvantaged
- The gap in attainment between PP and Non PP children is reduced.
- The school has an inclusive ethos where every child is included and catered for.
- Interventions are impactful and are matched to the needs of the children.