Please see year group pages for home learning weekly plans and links

This page will provide you with key information of how we will deliver remote learning for children who have to self-isolate, or where local or national restrictions mean that children need to stay at home. 

 We all understand at Harrow Lodge Primary how challenging online learning can be for you and your family, especially when you are trying to work and juggle the other demands placed on your time. Our teachers and support staff will do all that they can to support you. Please see the links below which we hope you will find useful.



Supporting Parents Helpfinder Answer these six questions to find out how you can support your child’s mental health during the pandemic.


Remote Learning for children          Remote Learning for parents               Non-screen activities 1               Non-screen activities 2               Coronavirus book for children








Reading with TRUST guide           Tips to support home reading KS1      Tips to support home reading KS2       Parent guide to Bug Club    Parent Guide to TT Rockstars










Oak National Academy

Oak National Academy is a collection of high-quality lessons and online resources.

Click on the link below to access daily lessons from the government’s new online classroom. 


Introduction to Daily Read Write Inc. Phonics Lessons:



How to use the BBC to help you study during lockdown

The BBC is making lots of extra educational content available to help you keep up with your child’s studies during lockdown. 

From Monday 11 January, CBBC, BBC Two, BBC iPlayer and BBC Red Button will all be offering up lots of content for students including daily lessons which will be made available online too. See link below.




Please click here for home learning leaflets in different languages


Safety when working with computers