If during this pandemic your personal circumstances have changed, please review the attached Free school meals application, it is totally confidential and could be of great benefit to you and your child during these unprecedented times : https://www.havering.gov.uk/info/20006/schools_and_education/431/school_support
The Emergency Assistance Scheme is also in place if families report difficulties in accessing food or paying household bills. Access to this support is through the local authority and further information can be found here; https://www.dabd.org.uk/help-and-advice/help-with-money/havering-emergency-assistance-scheme
Useful Websites
BBC article outlining, cold, flu or coronavirus – which one do I have?
NSPCC advice for parents supporting families – COVID19
NHS advice on people at higher risk
NHS advice on Social Distancing
Childrens commissioner.gov.uk/report/childrens-guide-to-coronavirus