Challenge for All, Achievement for All.

At Harrow Lodge we take pride in developing outstanding teaching and learning by holding the highest expectations of all our pupils and knowing the children well. We challenge all children to strive for academic, creative, sporting and personal accomplishment within a broad, connected and enriched curriculum. Our pupils are given time to explore subjects and develop deep understanding. We celebrate perseverance, resilience and risk taking, ensuring children welcome challenge and are not frightened to make mistakes. We encourage children to take ownership of and responsibility for their learning, so they have the confidence and curiosity to ask questions, solve problems and respond to quality feedback. Children are praised for achievement, determination and having a positive attitude.

Our Core values were established with input from all members of our community – all staff, children and parents which sets the standard by which we want to grow – together with all stakeholders having a voice.  Respect, Empathy, Aspiration, Confidence, Honesty are our values but the thread running through everything we do in this school is to ‘Be Kind’.

We accept learners from all cultures, all faiths and all abilities into a warm and loving environment establishing open, positive and supportive relationships across the community. We want every child and family member to feel they are listened to and to feel secure in their ability to discuss any aspects of their lives, so promoting a climate in which everyone feels safe and secure.

In order to create an inclusive school where everyone can achieve, whatever their background, we promote an ethos of respect and empathy, where diversity is valued and celebrated – both within school and the wider world. Safeguarding and welfare is extremely important and pupils are taught the virtues of empathy, honesty and what it means to be confident and aspirational. Special care is taken to educate everyone in the Harrow Lodge community about the needs of others and how best to meet them. We foster open and honest communication with parents, carers and specialists and actively seek to engage with all members of the Harrow Lodge community in a positive and supportive manner.

In our school, everyone is equal and everyone’s role is equally as important to the success of the school and its pupils.High quality teaching is a key priority at Harrow Lodge and the relationship between staff and children underpins inspirational, supportive and effective teaching and learning. Staff are actively involved in identifying their support and training needs and this leads to careers with clear progression. We ensure that there is a wide range of quality training available and that staff are able to learn from each other and share good practice. 

It is our aim that every child leaves Harrow Lodge as an independent learner, who is equipped with the basic skills needed for the next phase in their education, with self-belief and an abiding respect for others. We aim to instil a lifelong love for learning and a strong grounding for future success.